Sunday, June 6, 2010

b3-Something New

I actually looked into a few sites and social networks. I am an active member of Facebook. I love this social networking site. I have been able to reconnected with classmates and classmates I have not seen for over 20 years and met relatives that I did not know. My relatives and I have been able to update our genealogy as well as swap pictures.
The first site I joined was Maoliworld. It is much like Facebook where you put in your profile, have an inbox, can invite friends and are able to comment on posts. What I like about this site is that it is based on the Hawaiian Movement. There are videos, photos, community sites, and a tab that takes you to local events that are happening in Hawaii. All posts or events are based on events that I am interested in and my community. I have been able to ask questions or view stories that have been posted from around the world concerning indigenous people and indigenous issues.
I also joined Digg. It was rated one of the top social sites. Like most all social sites you create a profile, have an inbox, can invite people to be your friends and so on. What is unique about this site is that Digg advertises as a place for people to discover and share. Members are encouraged to submit stories of interest or about something that is happening in your community. If you submission gets enough “diggs” they report about it on a you tube like video with two commenters. If you do not want to see issues you are not interested in you can block them from your personal home page. If you like social issues but not sports or political issues you can add and block.
I actually really enjoyed listening to how they presented some of the articles and the views of the different people who posted their views. The two “news casteters” or presenters were able to be very objective on the information they were presenting.
As I was looking to my different sites my son was looking on another site, Vimeo. When I asked him what it was he just said it was like You Tube. When I started clicking around what I found was that it was a site you had to sign up for like Facebook, MySpace, or other membership based sites. It is more geared for video sharing not personal posts about your day. If you went to my son’s homepage it just had a list of video’s he had posted with comments of other members. The difference between this site, Vimeo and You Tube is that anyone can post or see You Tube. Vimeo is membership based and you can control who sees your videos to a certain point.
When I was “creeping” around, (That’s what my kids said I was doing. When you look around social sites just looking.) One of the stories that seemed to get alot of “Diggs” was about Facebook and the privacy issue. They went down a list of complaints that had come out of the forum about Facebook. The bottom line was Facebook and all these “social sites” are for the most part a free service. If you are utilizing their free service, then you have to submit to the service’s rules. They also said if you are worried about information getting out into the public and not staying within your private realm, don’t post it.

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